
Tara's Gallery of Fantastic work!!!!



Filed under: Uncategorized — tara @ 20:09

Sorry ive not bin on 4 ages + ages. my mums gon tesco with my granma im at home with my grandad and bro. i have got a rash on my right leg from a tattoo at hannahs house. its not big but i dont care.
the reason ive not bin on 4 ages ‘n’ ages is coz my 4 yr old cuzin megans bin here 4 a week and i didnt have any time 2 myself (apart from wen she woz in bed!!!) but now shes gon i miss her. ive got this book called friendship that i got 4 my bday once off my m8 jammie dodga at the end it sez frends thats us u and me 4 ever. but she cant read and she sed friends thats us me and tara frends 4ever. i thought that woz really cute!!! im waitin 4 my m8 sarah 2 cum on but her bro’s propably hoggin the computer!!!. POOR SARAH I no wat its like so u aint on ure own!! anyway im still on but if any1 wants 2 reply then thats o.k. the more the merrier!!!! o.k spk soon bye bye……

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