jesse is da best
jesse is da best 4 eva and eva amen!!
lv u mum and dad lv tara
jesse is da best 4 eva and eva amen!!
lv u mum and dad lv tara
its lunch and ive gotta dress up as a victorian 4 a wk
c u soon bi 4 no now
hi guys. its me agen i no i am annoyin but never mind. some kids have gon 2 harrytown 2 day from yr 6. i am here wiv charlotte(my bm)! and her annoying sis chloe. charlotte is so cool!!!!. charlotte wants 2 say summit: hi i might b ritin l8r on. she dusnt no wat 2 write now!!! i have let her go on my webby and leave a comment. bye 4 now tara xxxx
hi!!!!!! i am at abbi’s house!!!!! she is really cool!!!! anyway gotta go now ive decided 2 write txtin way agen!!!!!!!
Ive decided to write normally now i know its boring but i let my dad read these but i might decide to write texting way again anyway got to go because im just getting ready for lunch. bye bye for now x x x x x x x x